Healthy Body |
Wealthy Mind |
Wise Spirit |
Helping you find the gift in change, you didn't ask for.Norma Nicholson
Realign your thought to bring your life into balance.
Today Was A Very Interesting Day
Today, Client B came to meet with me for a session. I could tell by her appearance, that she was in a tremendous amount of pain and worry. Word by word we started our conversation and she told me what was bothering her, which was the state of health of her son, who has diabetes.
B complained to me that she can barely sleep because she worries about her son all the time. She tries her best to reason with him about his diet and his lifestyle but gets no response. B feels angry, helpless, and confused since she does not know what is the best approach towards a resolution in this situation. How often in our lives, do we think that we know what it is that the other person needs? And, we try our best to help, only left to realize that we cannot fix, aka control, the situation. Realizing that, the person we worry about so badly has a mind of their own, and often does not share our same concerns, intent or gesture. Even more, they want to be left alone with their issue, misalignment or even better, pretend that nothing is going on. Maybe the position of an ostrich works for some, but very few people can benefit from that. So what possibilities are there if you experience a similar issue with a loved one? This client was genuinely surprised when I asked her opinion about the feelings that her son might be experiencing. Confused, B told me that she has no idea what her son might feel about his disease. That is right, I replied to her. But let us think more about that. In our session, I asked her to close her eyes and imagine her son with an insulin pump right now. What expression do you see on his face? As she closed her eyes, she murmured; “The frustration!” Then she continued; “the fear, anger, and confusion. The list was pretty full. Are these not the same feelings that you described to me at the beginning of our session? I asked her. “Yes,” B answered, being really amazed by her own realization of the similarities in the emotions between her son and herself. That is right, I replied to her. You are in perfect rapport with your son. The question remains the same. How can you help him if he and you experience the same feelings? And both of your lives are filled with fear, worries, confusion, etc? She looked at me with curiosity and hope. “What should I do?” she asked. “It is easy enough.” I answered. “The technique that I offer involves your participation by practicing twice a day, for five minutes, with a guided imagery.” “I can promise you, a big difference in both of your lives in, 3-4 weeks of practicing it. It has been proven by many reputable sources, that guided imagery works like “magic.” Since our subconscious mind cannot distinguish what is real, and what is not, we are able to create change in the situation, just by imagining a different outcome.” “We are all doing it, all the time, without even knowing that we are doing it. Before today, you were imagining your son sick, and worry about him all the time. Now I am offering you to do the opposite.” “Every morning before you get up, and every night before you retire, imagine your son being healthy and happy, with a nice smile on his face. Notice how this picture makes you feel.” “I feel much better already!” She exclaimed with a smile. “Good! Now, send all good vibes to your son. Both of you will greatly benefit from practicing this on a daily basis.” “Thank you so much for your help and knowledge,” she was whispering and her eyes were filled with tears. But this time, they were tears of hope, and possibility of resolution from the issue which made her worry for so few years. People often ask me what is it that I am doing in my life guiding sessions? It’s all about finding a solution to the issue that bothers you. Either the issue is a very old problem or a fresh one, and creating a desirable outcome is a big part of our job together. Guided imagery is only one of the many techniques that are used in sessions with my clients in order to help you to create a life which would bring you more joy. Please email, or call me with your questions. My love and respect for all. ~ Nelly [email protected] 248-722-8500 Own Your Power & Nurture YourselfBarbra White, M.A., Di.hom, Best Selling Author, Holistic Therapist & Spiritual Teacher
Healing is a Process, Not a PillThis is the beginning of a series of blog posts about natural health solutions, to use as your first line of
defense for healing your body. My goal to teach and empower people to choose safe options to get healthy. The information given is not meant to treat or cure any illnesses. They are only observations. By following these good health practices for prevention, I find that I personally have had less health challenges then most people. Friends ask why they need to take nutritional supplements and there are a few simple answers to that question. First, our food supply isn't what it used to be. Farmers no longer rotate their crops which allows the soil to rejuvenate the minerals in the foods which they are growing. To make it worse, many foods (in the United States) are now Genetically Modified, which lowers their nutritional value, not to mention that most are considered Round-Up Ready, which means the farmers spray the fields with Round-Up, which kills the weeds, but not the food being grown. The problem with that is; you are eating food that has been sprayed with poisonous chemicals. Oh! You wash all your fruits and vegetables before consuming them? Well, what about the chemicals that seep into the ground and come up through the roots of the foods that you are eating? There is NO way to eliminate these chemicals. That's why Organic is a better option, or grow your own for personal consumption. In researching the chemicals found in Glyphosate, it's difficult to get any real answers other then it's an herbicide and can kill all vegetation that isn't Round-Up Ready, overnight. However, in my area many of the aquifers have been contaminated with arsenic from the pesticides used in the many apple orchards surrounding the area. If you smoke, all I know is that many of my clients that are smokers, that have bouts of high anxiety, are likely to have been smoking tobacco that has been sprayed with arsenic. Start by eating a better diet. Food that comes out of a box or that comes to you through a window is probably not giving you what your body needs. You're too busy you say? Here are some ideas to think about. Start by supporting your health with real food in it's natural state. If it wasn't available 100 years ago, think twice before eating it. Food that can sit on a shelf for a long time, is likely going to shorten your life. It's time to get back to basics. We need enzymes to help digest our food and for our bodies to assimilate them. You get those from live, fresh fruits and vegetables. But, once it's cooked or processed, the enzymes are destroyed. Make sure you eat some live food everyday. Adding a digestive enzyme would be a great idea and they are best taken with food, especially your last meal of the day, or a few hours before bedtime. When you are sleeping, is when your body does it's repair work, but if you are still digesting food, it could be half-way through your sleep cycle before your body can start doing it's repair work. If you stop eating after 6:00 pm, it allows time for digestion to happen, prior to going to bed. Adding the following basic supplements to your daily routine will give you more energy. Also listed are the benefits you will receive from each of them. I also recommend that you pay extra to get a quality supplements, otherwise you are wasting your money. If you are not wanting or able to do them all at once, they are listed in order of importance. • Multivitamin Mineral: You want one that will dissolve and start working in the body quickly. Start by putting a tablet in a glass of water to see how long it takes to break down. If it's just sitting there after 15 - 30 minutes, it's probably not going to help you much. We need vitamins for energy and minerals for repairing the body. • Omega 3 Fish Oil: Our brains are a fatty tissue and need good fats to protect it and to help it function like it should. It also helps sticky blood cells from clumping together, to get more nutrition from the cells, into your body and makes you thinking more clear. Plus other benefits. • Antioxidants: Because we are exposed to so many environmental chemicals, our cells can become defective and become oxidized, causing damage. When these cells reproduce, they duplicate as defective cells. This is also how cancers begin to grow in our bodies. • B & C Vitamins: These vitamins are water soluble and do not store in the body, which is why it is important to take them everyday. When we are under a lot of stress, we burn through these two vitamins quickly. B Vitamins help you function better under stress and Vitamin C helps boost the immune system, which is also attached when under stress. • Vitamin D3/w/K2: This vitamin helps the brain connect for neurological function, mood, the immune system, and for balanced aging. If you get depressed in the winter, take Vitamin D3. Using sunscreen, blocks D3 from the sun. Also needed for the heart, lungs, brain and to fight against Cancer by helping with cell regulation. Use at least 5000 IU, increasing with age. • Probiotics: The road to good health is paved with good intestines, and this is where our immune system begins. Auto-immune diseases start in the gut. Build a better barrier by supporting the gut with good bacteria. A pro-biotic with a diversity of strains is considered best. • Fiber: Keeping the colon healthy is important for over-all health. Too many starchy foods gunk up the intestines and fiber works as a scrub brush to keep things moving. Fiber helps your body absorb nutrients while passing through the intestines. We don't usually get enough in our food. • Calcium/Magnesium: The body needs calcium and magnesium for many functions in our body, which need to be in balance. Women need more calcium as they age, but everyone needs magnesium. It helps relax muscles and also helps with sleep, which is needed for rejuvenation. The quality of your vitamins are very important and cheaper is usually not your best choice. Listed below are two companies that I prefer because they provide superior, quality supplements. I use products from both companies. NutraMetrix offers some of their supplements in Isotonic form, which is a powder that you mix with water, for quick absorption into the blood stream. (Plus it's easier when you can drink some of you vitamins – and they taste good too.) Metagenics: NutraMetrix: If you have questions regarding specific needs you may have, please e-mail me at: [email protected] Samantha Brish, DC
Healing is a Process, Not a PillANTI-AGING SECRETS
[email protected] It may not be on your radar, but there is a good chance your body is harboring the fastest-growing disease precursor that has been known to man and you're probably not even aware of it. It has been determined that Chronic Inflammation is the main cause of most health challenges from Heart Disease to Diabetes, Cancer and more. It is also key in the aging process and who isn't aging every year? We all are getting older – but just maybe it's inflammation that is really the root cause of deterioration of our health and vitality, not just normal aging. Once you get chronic inflammation under control, you can reduce the risk of dis-ease and will begin to slow the aging process down. Common Dis-Eases Triggered by Chronic Inflammation Include:
complications, which results in greater difficulty when healing. So what is inflammation and why does it happen? Inflammation is a swelling in the body and it happens naturally when you have an injury. It's your body's way of healing itself from wounds, or illness. Usually, it is temporary and part of the process for the body to heal itself. However, it is chronic inflammation, that continues to build, day by day, that eventually creates serious, long term health challenges which most people suffer from. We also carry genetic triggers in our bodies that can “turn on” when we have abused the body for too long. This is also an injury to your body which most people would not even consider, and that is diet. Certain foods will create inflammation in our bodies as well. So How Does This Happen? It starts as a natural response to a stimulus. It could be from an injury, illness, your food (especially GMO's) or your lifestyle. Inflammation will progress in one of two ways. If the body receives the nutrients it needs to repair and return to good health, then the inflammation is only temporary and a natural process to healing. If the stimulus creating the inflammation is repeated every day and becomes a habitual way of life. Inflammation will ultimately lead to pain, infection, a weaker immune system, or all of the above. It will allow more susceptibility to bacteria, viruses, or parasites which will all create even more inflammation. It becomes a vicious cycle that eventually breaks down organ functions, leading to the common diseases mentioned above. Every person's body reacts differently to prolonged inflammation, based on many circumstances. The common link is inflammation that eventually overwhelms the body and keeps it from healing as it should. The Common Denominator is Ultimately Your Nutrition The three biggest instigators of inflammation are: 1. Blood Sugar which normally rises every time we eat. However, when we consume foods that are high in carbohydrates or starches, our blood sugar spikes at higher rates and the body has to work harder to compensate for it. Constant abuse of your body could ultimately lead to diabetes, or weaken the arteries or heart which could lead to heart disease. Same with Arthritis or Alzheimer's. Don't forget, your DNA markers play an important factor too. 2. Acidity promotes inflammation and is caused when our pH balance strays too far from the normal range for too long. You can test your own acidity levels of saliva and urine easily, which should range between 6.0 and 7.0. Below 6.4 is on the dangerous side and your body isn't able to absorb or utilize your vitamins and minerals very well, which are needed for your body to repair itself. Eating more alkalizing fresh fruits and vegetables is key while reducing the amount of acid-forming meat, starch, sugar, and the consumption of processed, canned foods. 3. Oxidation happens when free radicals (molecules looking for an extra electron to attach to) move through the body and damage the cells it comes into contact with. In time, left unprotected, oxidation can lead to Cancerous conditions, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and other inflammatory diseases. Oxidation can run rampant when we don't eat enough anti-oxidant rich foods like blueberries, tomatoes, and cruciferous or leafy green vegetables. Adding these types of foods to our diet help greatly to balance the damaging effects of oxidation on our cells and tissues. If you want an army to fight for you, it's necessary to supply them with the ammunition and protection needed. You Can Out-Smart Your Genetic DNA to Reduce Inflammation Through your genetics and family history, you may be predisposed to certain conditions. Knowing that in advance gives you the information you need to change the outcome. Genes respond to what we give them. If you continually have a diet that is high in processed sugar, simple carbohydrates or contains an excess of foods that are highly acidic, be aware that you are setting yourself up for an inflammatory response. The choice is yours. If you take heed of your family history of diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, you can modify your behavior. You do have a choice. Consume less sugar, get adequate fiber, take anti-oxidants, eliminate GMO foods, drink pure water and move your body. As you avoid the foods that cause inflammation, you are closer to a longer, happier life. Feed Your Body the Essential Nutrients For Healing: Essential Nutrients should become your partner in healing. As we age, these nutrients become deficient in our body and like a bank account, when the account is deficient, you need to add to the account. Lacking these nutrients cause dis-ease in the body. Feed the body what it needs and the problem will most likely go away. Drinking Enough Pure Water: How do you know if you are drinking enough? Take your body weight and divide it in half. Convert that number to ounces. That's how much water you need to hydrate and flush your body on a daily basis. Most people fall short on this amount. Getting pure water is another question. Chemicals are added to many public water systems for safety purposes, but years of accumulation of these chemicals can become detrimental over time. Bottled Water creates another whole set of problems. The majority of water bottles purchased are harmful due to the plastics used to contain the water. Known as Bisphenol A, (BPA) is another question regarding the water we drink. It is a synthetic compound, which is a colorless solid that is soluble in many solvents, although less soluble in water, there is still leakage of these chemicals into your not-so-pure bottle of water. BPA is the starting material for the synthesis of plastics, primarily certain polycarbonates and epoxy resins. BPA-based plastic is clear and tough and is made into a variety of common consumer goods, such as plastic bottles, including water bottles. Epoxy resins containing BPA are also used to line water pipes. In 2015, an estimated 4 million tons of BPA chemicals were produced for manufacturing polycarbonate plastic, making it one of the highest volumes of chemicals produced worldwide. The big problem is that BPA is a xenoestrogen, exhibiting estrogen-mimicking, hormone-like cancer creating properties, that raise concerns about its suitability when used in food containers. Since 2008, several governments have investigated their safety, which prompted some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ended its authorization of the use of BPA in baby bottles and infant formula packaging, based on market abandonment, not because of safety. The European Union and Canada have banned BPA use in baby bottles. What's the best option? Using glass water bottles for your drinking water. • Vitamins and Minerals – It is important to add to your diet because, with the lack of crop rotation and GMO products in our food chain, you never know for sure if you are getting what you really need. Most likely you're not, so it's important to add a non-synthetic vitamin/mineral. • Essential Fatty Acids – Omega 3 possesses mechanisms to suppress inflammatory cytokines, plus includes many other beneficial properties for the heart, skin, brain and digestive system. They are called essential for a reason and your body can't make them on its own. • Enzymes – Our body needs enzymes to help digest the food we eat unless you are eating raw, organic fruits and vegetables, they come prepacked with live enzymes. Once food has been cooked or processed, the enzymes are destroyed and as you age, you really need to take digestive enzymes to back down and process the food efficiently. This is key in anti-aging. • Amino Acids – Known as the building blocks, amino acids rejuvenate the body. The body can produce many of the amino acids if we supply it with the nutrients to do that. On the other hand, some of the amino acids cannot be made and must be taken in the form of a supplement for the best results. • Anti-Oxidants – Oxidation from free-radicals causes inflammation and cancer yet, very few take anti-oxidants. We are bombarded daily with free-radicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis, this protection is crucial. • Fiber – When the plumbing backs up, auto-intoxication becomes a serious challenge. Most processed foods have very little fiber which is necessary to keep everything flowing through the body. If the toxins are allowed to stagnate without regular elimination, they circulate to the blood, lymph, and other body fluids and just keep recycling. Sometimes help is needed. • Probiotics – If you have ever taken antibiotics, eat sugar or drink alcohol, or take medical prescriptions regularly chances are your friendly bacteria in the colon has been compromised. By taking probiotics regularly, your elimination process will be enhanced and it will boost the immune system as well. For questions or personal guidance, send an email to: [email protected] Make Essential Oils an Essential part of Your Life“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
The school season is upon us, How do you prepare? For our household this shift in Life Seasons from summer to school is not so much about school supplies and new uniforms it is about preparing ourselves for long days, intense sports, workloads and everything we can do to keep our immune system top notch. The routine starts in August all the way into February and beyond: Healthy Start Of SchoolIn August, for the first and third week of the month- 1 dose of Oscillococcinum Homeopathy remedy. This is our “flu-shot’. We will take one dose once a month after this. If anyone starts to get that flu aches, we will start a regiment to relieve symptoms.
Super smoothies: Mornings never have enough time for a balanced breakfast. Preparing baggies of cut up fruit in the freezer have been a time saver and create a power breakfast when protein, collagen and mct powder are added. It is an easy way to get some substance into the kids before their full day starts. Diffuse and Slather: Of course our preparation for school involves the doTerra essential oils every day and in every way! · On-guard on the feet: Morning and Night to protect and boost. · Breathe in the diffuser for pick-me up and clear airways · Rosemary and Peppermint: Concentration Pick me up for studying · Balance Blend: Confident and Strong · Serenity or Lavender: Stress-Less, Rest and Relax We don’t stop there. Each member of our family has a regiment of their own to prepare and recover from the day. To find out your best mix, discover doTerra oils at More great insight on how you can be ready for school! Empowered Life Series: Back to School Ask the Garden Gal; Guiding Through Health and Horticulture Naturally. Centered on Care, Grounded by Nature. Happy Trails! “What changes people is when their Shoulds become Musts.” ~ Tony Robbins |
My Story:
It's not much of one really...I've done a little traveling. And I've always had an adventurous palette. I love trying new things wherever I go. By trade, I'm a website developer. I have a passion for making and eating delicious food. These recipes are just combinations of flavors and textures that I enjoy, and I am happy to share them with you! I LOVE ALL THINGS FOOD! But for the sake of this newsletter, I'll post mostly healthy recipes! |
6 Salmon (5 oz. slabs) 18 leaves of Romain Lettuce 40 Cucumber slices & 1 shredded Cucumber 2 cans of Chick Peas (see prep recipe) ---------> Tzatziki Sauce (see additional recipe) ----------> 2 cups Greek Yogurt 2 Tablespoons fresh Lemon Juice 2 Cloves of Minced Garlic 2 Tablespoons fresh Dill Garlic Powder Sea Salt (course grain) Pepper Cayenne Pepper (optional) Olive Oil Directions: Make Tzatziki Sauce and Chick Peas first and set aside in the refrigerator. Set oven to 400 degrees. Heat an oiled (cast iron OR stainless) skillet to very hot! Salt and Pepper Salmon. Sear Salmon (skin side up) for 3-4 minutes (until salmon gives when you try to flip it and it has a nice crust). Flip Salmon and sear for another 3 minutes, then place in oven for approx 5 minutes OR remove when center of Salmon is slightly undercooked. Plating: Per Plate - 3-4 leaves of romaine, 8 slices of cucumber, 1/4 cup of spicy chick peas, 1 slab of Salmon and top with desired amount of Tzatziki Sauce! ENJOY! |
Tzatziki Sauce Recipe (serves approx 6 plates):
Spicy Garlic Chick Peas Recipe (serves approx 6 plates):
Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Let cool until meal is ready OR refrigerate if you are preparing ahead of time. To purchase GMO-FREE ingredients and other amazing products, Click the link below: |
The experience at the Holos Institute of five days, was amazing. Every day, I learned things that were new to me and it was a great experience. Carolyn Myss taught us about our Tribal Programming, Chakras, (7 energy centers in our bodies) and “Why People Don’t Heal” (a book written by Carolyn.) Plus, we learned about the Sacred Contracts that we have with certain people that we meet during our lives, to teach us things through our life experiences (good or bad - because sometimes our best lessons come from the bad experiences.) I was blown away from all this new information, but was ready and waiting for it. Intuition Training Norm Sheely, MD taught us about using a Copper Meditation Pyramid for increased benefits for meditation. He also taught about the benefits when using Quartz Crystals to increase the energy flow. Another day, we sat in meditation, listening to the sound of a huge Crystal Bowl. I could feel the vibration in my third eye (in the middle of the forehead - as it was waking up.) We also practiced with other classmates on how to tune into the energy of someone and “feel” when they were experiencing blocks in their body, which in turn were creating health challenges in their body. Another day, Norm did a “Past Life Regression” with all 28 of us, as we laid on the floor in the huge classroom. Being a little skeptical, I didn’t think he would be able to hypnotize me that way, but I was wrong. We relaxed, taking some deep breaths, and closed our eyes. Norm guided us to imagine ourselves going up into the sky, into the clouds, and as we came back down, to go back into a past life-life that had something to do with what was going on in our lives currently. It was quite interesting to experience. Norm continued to guide us to explore the environment we were in and the circumstances. We explored from where we had come, and from where we would go next, and finally, to witness our own death during that lifetime. In that session, I witnessed a lifetime in the Highlands of Scotland, living in a tiny stone house. As I laid there, I heard the woman next to me gently snoring but was able to stay focused on the guidance we were given. The odd thing that happened, my left leg began to spasm, starting with my toes curling up and I could feel it rise all the way my leg, then started again over and over. I thought perhaps I was laying in a strange position and tried to shift myself, but it continued until the session was over. Norm explained to us that we would likely experience more details form the hypnosis session in our sleep that night, as was the case for me. I received more clarity and understood more of the details, plus it was related to a past life with my ex-husband (causing my ultimate death at that time.) At a later time, I had a dream of a time where I was the cause of his death. My realization was, we were finally were able to part without killing each other in this lifetime. Not to say we didn’t continue to have challenges together as divorced parents. At the Holos Institute, I met several wonderful people and made a close connection with a woman from Colorado. She spoke about a computer system she was using to determine people’s health conditions, by using an infra-red device to read temperatures on the face. It would give a timeline of the person’s life, giving clues as to what and when something was triggered by an emotional situation, which would eventually cause a physical condition at the time of the scan. I was very interested in knowing more and was curious what would a scan of myself would produce. That summer, as the twins visited with their dad, my older daughter and I took a road trip to Colorado. A close friend of my daughters from high school, was in Boulder, visiting her dad for the summer. I dropped my daughter off with her friend and went to Denver to see my friend the next day. When I was scanned, I was blown away by the information it gave. At that point, my energy was extremely low and I didn’t know what to do for it. I had tried everything I could think of. The scan results showed the main thing I needed was Omega-3 Fish Oil. I purchased a bottle, along with a few other things, including a Bach Flower Remedy for emotional imbalances, (which I knew nothing about prior to then.) I drove back to Boulder, picked up my daughter and we headed back to Michigan. After being home for a week, and taking 2 Fish Oil Capsules, 3 times daily, my energy began to increase. After 2 weeks, I was a whole new person! I was amazed how something so simple could make such a difference in my energy. Now, 20 years later, I still take it every day. It also helps keep blood platelets from sticking together. For weeks, my mind kept exploring other possibilities about life and reincarnation, even though my traditional Christian beliefs had been that we only have one life (and you better not screw it up.) As I became more open-minded, I found scriptures in the Bible and the Book of Mormon that sounded to me like they were talking about reincarnation in a cryptic sort of way. One day, I had this thought. If God lets a tulip come back year after year, then why would He not do the same for us humans, His most precious creation? When kids do bad things, they are not cut off and condemned to burn in Hell by their parents. My God is a loving God and just as we give our children a chance after chance, to learn and grow, then so would our Creator. If the Creator was our Heavenly Father, then, of course, we would receive extra chances to get it right next time. I realized that life on Earth is really just a big school with a multitude of learning experiences, both good and bad, to learn how to be kind to others and to love and be loved. (I know this may not agree with everyone’s philosophy and I certainly was not raised with this idea about reincarnation, but when I received the information, I knew in my heart it was the truth. If our spirit lives on, why would we not come back to continually evolve to our highest spiritual potential? Fall arrived and everyone went back into their routines, but I was being lead more into the direction of helping people with their healing processes and I couldn’t get my mind off that amazing computer system my friend had and how helpful it would be. I continued to stay in touch with her, in Colorado. She was in the process of having an upgrade done on the software. As the holidays were approaching, my daughter came home in a rage! She stormed through the front door and yelled; “I hate my life! I wish I was dead!” It appeared that she and her boyfriend had an argument and had broken up their relationship. At that time, I was reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and I was learning more about how our emotions create our dis-ease in the body. I yelled back at her, “NO, DON’T EVER SAY THAT!” because I knew that our thoughts and emotions create illness in our bodies. It was the beginning of the New Year, and I began taking classes from a very knowledgeable woman on natural health solutions, using herbs and vitamins to support the body. I was loving all the knowledge I was gaining and realized how important it was to feed the body the nutrients needed to keep it healthy and to allow it to heal. During that time also, I began hearing the cough that my daughter had when she first had her cancer and with the sinking feeling in my gut, I knew it was back. We went to her doctor and as suspected, the cancer was back. This time, however, her doctor recommended that she have a bone marrow transplant at the U of M Hospital and we started going through the process to prepare her for that. Fortunately, with the type of cancer she had, they could use her own marrow, clean it up, and freeze it until the time of the transplant. She went for more chemotherapy and high doses of radiation to blast away the cancer cells. The University of Michigan is also a teaching hospital for medical students. The hospital requested that my daughter to be part of a study to see what effect there was on the cancer cells, in relation to sugar. Now, years later, it is a known fact that cancer cells thrive on sugar. We also made an appointment to see my first teacher of natural medicine, for a consultation with my daughter. She recommended 10,000 mg of Vitamin C, and 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for the immune system, plus Mycotaki Chinese Mushrooms and Milk Thistle, to help protect the liver from the chemo drugs. Her U of M doctor was Chinese and approved of the extra support, only that we needed to stop it during the time she would be in the hospital for the transplant. During that time, I asked my daughter to read the book by Louise Hay, that I had been reading, You Can Heal Your Life and she said okay. While reading that book, she had a profound awakening experience, understanding how her thoughts could create this disease, which she that she was sure she was in remission from her cancer. We were getting close to the bone marrow transplant date and decided to continue with the process, but I knew in my heart that she would never get cancer again because her thoughts had changed. The experience at the U of M hospital was a very good one. The nurses were so good to her that she decided she wanted to become an oncology nurse. When they performed the bone marrow transplant, I was surprised to see that it was given through an IV in the arm (I guess I was expecting something more.) Then the waiting began. We had to see at what point her immune system would kick back into action. In two days, her number shot up to the range they needed to be in. They kept her for a few more weeks, watching for any other problems that might arise. After 18 days, she was doing amazing and they sent her home. The nurse told us they never had anyone go home that quickly after a bone marrow transplant. I knew it was because of all the extra Vitamin C and additional supplements that she was taking to build her up. Around that time, I was able to acquire a SAF (Self Awareness Formula) computer system created by Joseph Scogna, for myself to use and it was just in time. A few weeks after the bone marrow transplant, my daughter was very depressed, which I didn’t understand. I thought she’d have a new lease on life. She went for her check-up afterward, which showed that she had a large fluid build up in the thoracic cavity again. They drained off almost 2 liters of fluid and I could tell by the look on their faces, things didn’t look good. Part 4 of 4 – To Be Continued Next Issue. |
Sacred Art of the AngelsEyes Wide OpenWe see with eyes wide open,
Upon a world fill with illusion. See the perfection in our eyes. This is you! Maya will fall away. Truth will be revealed. Just love until the veil falls. All will be revealed. Elaine also has 5 x 7Angel Prints Matted, and ready for framing, $35.00 each.
They make wonderful gifts and each one includes a message. Contact Elaine for current inventory. Custom 8 x 12 Personal Angel Drawing, with a Personal Message: $100.00 each. Ready to frame with a personal message of inspiration. Contact Elaine to schedule your Personal drawing. Elaine Yanni-Fink Call: 734-905-7980 to schedule your Drawing by Elaine ASK DR. KATHYWeight Loss Solutions