Core Exercises
Asthma and Chiropractic
Dr. Kathy Jerore, CND
Certified Naturopath “Healing Is a Process, Not a Pill” TIME FOR YOUR SUNSHINE VITAMIN Benefits of Vitamin D3 with K2 If you live in the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere, this article is for you. We all know how important it is to have some time in the sun each day, for our general health and wellbeing. However, in the winter months, when it is dark by 5 or 6 pm, there isn't much time to bask in the sun. Besides, being bundled up in heavy winter clothing keeps us from getting the recommended time in the Sun, which is so readily available in the summer months.
Many people experience what's now called “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or SAD, with a slip in their mood, moving into depression, during those long, winter months. In the early 2000's, the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D was 400 IU's and was one of those un-necessary vitamins if you drank your milk. Within a few years, the importance of Vitamin D3, especially during the winter months was discovered to help with the winter mood disorders that so many people suffered from. At that time, I learned the greater benefits of Vitamin D3 and began taking 5,000 IU's on a daily basis. (Blood work from your medical doctor will help you to determine how much you should be taking.) IU stands for International Units and is the measurement used for fat soluable vitamins such as A, D and E. Because it is fat soluable, it stores in the body and is not eliminated so quickly through urination, like the water soluable vitamins B's and C, so too much can create problems too. It was during a dreary, mid-winter season that I began taking it. After days or sometimes weeks of no sunshine, one gets a feeling of pressure, pushing down on the head. One day, I shared a Vitamin D3, 5000, with some work associates. Within 30 minutes, everyone was noticing a difference. And my daughter, whom I gave a dose to before going to school that day, came home asking me what that was that I had given her? She related that she just had the happiest day of her life. Now, that was a powerful statement. But, that's not all. There are many other, what I call; “Side Benefits: of Vitamin D3. The following is a list of symptoms that you may be experiencing, which could be eliminated by taking Vitamin D3: • Broken bones, if you are prone to easily breakage of bones, check your Vitamin D levels in your blood work. It should be over 40. • Achey bones, with a low bone density, which could lead to osteopenia, or osteoperosis. • Muscle aches for no real reason (however, there could be other causes as well.) • Sensitivity to being in cold, winter weather. • Slow wound healing. D3 is also in charge of 100's of other biochemical reactions in the skin and other ares of the body. • Chronic Fatigue, Vitamin D3 should be the first thing to check with fatigue issues, however, there are numerous other causes as well. • Frequent viral infections, colds or other infections. • Depression and mood disorders, especially during the winter months. • And the really big one: Vitamin D3 has been found to have several activities that might slow or prevent the development of cancer, including promoting cellular differentiation, decreasing cancer cell growth, stimulating cell death, and reducing tumor blood vessel formation. More recently, Vitamin K2 has been recommended to add to your D3 Vitamin. K2 helps to regulate calcium and puts it where we need it (in bones and teeth) and not where we don't want it (in our arteries, joints and kidneys.) Using Vitamin D3 with K2 helps; prevent kidney stones, Osteopenia, Osteoperosis, or corinary heart disease. Plus, K2 helps to prevent plaque build up on teeth. In conclusion, if you live in the northern United States or Canada, you most likely, really need to be taking Vitamin D3 with K2. Or if you experience any of the health issues discussed in this article, you would also likey benefit from taking Vitamin D3 with K2. Consult you medical doctor for guidance on dosage.
For more information or to order Vitamin D3 with K2 Softgels: 5000 IU: Vitamin D3 with K2 |
Dr. Kathy Jerore, CND
Certified Bowenwork Practitioner “Healing Is a Process, Not a Pill” Bowen TherapyThe Bowen Technique is a form of bodywork that was developed by Tom Bowen in Australia during the 1950s–80s. Bowen therapy works on the muscular and connective tissue systems of the body by using small, precise, gentle movements of the tissue. These movements stimulate the body to heal, by allowing the body to reset itself. Chronic or acute injuries can benefit from Bowen Therapy.
Bowen Therapy is based on a few core principles that Tom Bowen was able to observe and gain information as to how to stimulate the body to heal the body's stored traumas. It is very gentle and continues to work in the body afterward for up to 2 weeks if it is not interrupted. For anyone familiar with other bodywork therapies, it may be clear that some of the areas worked on are also related to acupuncture meridians and trigger points.
After your Bowen session, it is advised to walk, to drink plenty of water, and to rest the body for a few days so you do not reinjure it. It is recommended that you wait for one to two weeks afterward before having another session, or any other type of body therapy. During this time the signaling will continue throughout the body unless you do something to stop the vibrational action of the Bowen treatment. You may find it takes a few days for the body to realign itself and may find the body jerking, pulsing or twitching as it is realigning itself during those days while resting. Each day, the body should loosen up more. Additional sessions are sometimes needed. Waiting a week to two weeks before resuming more Bowen therapy is recommended unless you have done something to re-injure yourself.
If you injure yourself, it is best to have a Bowen session that same day, before you sleep on it. Otherwise, after sleeping on it, the misalignment sets in and it may take more sessions to eliminate it from the body afterward. Bowen sessions are very gentle, allowing the body and the brain to communicate, to allow the healing to take place. You may be wondering if you could benefit from a Bowen session. One way to determine if Bowen would be helpful for you is, are you still experiencing pain in the body from a long-term injury? Bowen Testimonials: The following are true testimonials from clients who have experienced benefits from Bowen therapy. Not all clients will experience radical shifts after one session, but some do. Three sessions a week apart is generally recommended. If you are experiencing long term pain, consider trying a few Bowen sessions to see if you could benefit. Kristin C: After experiencing an automobile accident as a teenager, I had continually experienced low back pain and had been unable to get relief. Ten years later, it became especially challenging as my job sometimes required me to fly. Sitting during a long flight caused a lot of pain and discomfort. My first Bowen Session was the day before a cross country flight. For the first time since my accident, I was able to sit comfortably in a plane for 5 hours without experiencing pain while sitting for so long. Robert J: Working with concrete requires a lot of heavy lifting and hard work. I had seriously injured my shoulder and it was recommended that I needed surgery on my rotator cuff. In the meantime, I had a Bowen session on the injured shoulder. After the session, the pain subsided each day and within a week, the pain was gone and surgery was not required. Linda T: At the end of my 6th Bowen session, I experienced an interesting event. After the last move, on the back of my head, an area (above the location worked on) began to pulse. It continued for at least 6 minutes. I was left to lay on the massage table and process the response for about 15 minutes. That same area on my head was where I had experienced an injury as an 8-year-old child, when I passed out and hit my head on a metal table, then a concrete floor. Since that time, there has always been a lump on the back of my head. Later that day, hours after my Bowen session, I reached up and realized the lump was now gone after over 50 years. That was amazing! James B: After suffering from sciatica pain for a month with no relief, I decided to try a Bowen session. Each time I had a session, it gave me some relief so I continued. After about 5 weeks, my pain was gone completely. Are You Ready to Experience a Bowen Therapy Session? 1 Hour Session: $60.00 Pre-Pay 3 Sessions @ $150.00 Contact me for more information or to set an appointment. @ The Sanctuary Chiropractic & Wellness Spa Office Hours are on Wednesday's Kathy Jerore, ND 248-974-2062 Certified Bowen Therapist Certified Naturopathic Doctor **Excerpts taken from Understanding the Bowen Technique by John Wilks |