Wealthy Mind |
Helping you find the gift in change, you didn't ask for.Norma Nicholson
Bring the Future into your
Cindy Klement, MS, CNS, MCHES
An Informative Approach to Wellness.
Looking at Function NOT Pathology A Great Time of Year
Early summer has arrived. Farmers markets are blooming all over our state and it is a great occasion to buy real and fresh produce, sometimes picked the same day you shop!
Now through October you can find berries, peaches, apples, melons and more to delight your palette. All types of fresh greens, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, broccoli, beets carrots, peppers and potatoes. So good! Shopping local farms has many advantages. Produce grown in the same geographical area that you live in benefits your microbiome through the soil organisms and healthy bacteria found on the produce. Supplying your microbiome with real, fresh vegetables and fruits thus supports your immune system. They are richer in healthy fats and antioxidants to help rid the body of free radical damage. You can smell and taste the flavor concentration of organically grown fruits and vegetables due to the mineral rich soil that organic farming produces. Of course, I am referring to organic, non-GMO and non-GE produce. You can ask the local farmer how he prepares the soil, what fertilizers and/or pesticides he uses. Does he follow organic farming practices? You can find other healthy choices from local farms such as pastured eggs, truly free range poultry allowed to forage in fields, even wild-caught fish and grass fed/grass finished beef for instance. Additional information may be located by going to Weston A. Price and your local farmer’s market guide for locations around our state. And also check out the “Dirty Dozen” for fruits and vegetables you should always look for as labeled organic. When you shop local farms you are supporting your community at large. It shows these farmers our appreciation for the work they do to bring quality food to market. Feel the abundance of the season! This truly is a great time of year! In Good Health, Susan Parker Stewart, QRA Practioner [email protected] * Opinions provided for informational purposes only. Not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disorder or disease. Healing is a Process, Not a PillDr. Kathy's
Thrive Market Thrive Market Promo If you like shopping at Costco, then you'll love ThriveMarket.com They are a warehouse grocery store where you can purchase your groceries online and have them delivered to your doorstep within 1 to 2 business days. The best part is, they have done the research to bring you foods that are Non-GMO. They always have a huge selection of healthy foods, that you certainly won't find in most local grocery stores. Plus, they have Super Special Deals all the time. (Click on the link below and check them out!) Create an account and receive special offers HERE! For every paid membership, they donate a membership to a family in need as part of our mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. You will also earn credit towards your next Thrive Market order just by buying your favorite products. Three Great Summertime Recipes to Sweeten up your life with Manuka Honey!
Healing is a Process, Not a PillHolistic medicine is the art and science of healing,
which addresses the whole person – Body, Mind, and Spirit. Holistic Health is defined as the unlimited and unimpeded free flow of Life Force Energy through the Body, Mind, and Spirit. There are many forms and techniques in the practice of holistic medicine that integrate conventional and alternative therapies to prevent or assist with healing, to help promote optimal health. The Holistic practitioner looks for the underlying root cause to bring about true healing. Through ATUN Bioenergetics, with the use of Asyra, there is a simple and affordable assessment available for clients, which will assist in your healing process. Using affordable, Bioenergetic technology, clients receive an accurate report outlining the toxins and stresses in their body, plus a homeopathic remedy to assist with the healing. This is a technology created and widely used in Europe and is FDA approved as a Class II Medical Device in the United States. This technology can evaluate for allergies, pathogens, toxins, emotional factors, heavy metals, structural issues, metabolic issues and hundreds of other problems. Once identified, a homeopathic remedy is created to help balance and correct the issues. This testing can be done anywhere in the United States by using cotton swabs (which we provide) on the area inside the cheeks. You will seal the swab in the cellophane sleeve provided, and return them to ATUN Bioenergetics for an assessment of the saliva, tissue samples from each cheek. A remedy bottle is imprinted with a homeopathic remedy that is 100% specific to the individual and can have up to 50 different frequencies, to help bring the body back into balance. The remedy will be mailed and a report will be emailed and includes a follow-up phone consultation to explain the report and answer questions. This is not a one time, fix-all solution. The healing process works in layers, but people should begin to feel some differences in a short time after starting the remedy. It is like peeling layers of an onion. Each layer peeled brings the user closer to solving the root cause. Follow-up sessions are recommended within a month after completing your treatment bottle. First Assessment is $120.00 Follow-up Assessments are $95.00 For more information Contact: Dr. Kathy Jerore, ND Certified Naturopath [email protected] Healing Is A Process, Not A Pill If you are looking to grow your business, we are looking for additional monthly contributors with information related to creating a Healthy Body, Wealthy Mind or a Wise Spirit. Contact Dr. Kathy at
Clearing the gap from where you are,
Sacred Art of the AngelsPassionIf you are true to yourself
Your path will emerge clear and bright. All that you aspire to With great intent is yours. Your dreams can become reality. It is up to you to believe in your greatness. Your connection to God is always in place. God never abandons you. God never leaves you unattended. You are always surrounded By God's grace and Angels. Practice believing in the gifts God has bestowed to you. The clouds that you hold in place will part. Your vision will be revealed. Surrender to your passion. Manifest your destiny! Elaine also has various 5 x 7Angel prints that are matted and ready for framing, the message included and available for sale. $35.00. They make wonderful gifts for someone special.
Elaine Yanni-Fink Call: 734-905-7980 to schedule your Drawing by Elaine The Spiritual Awakening was crucial in assisting me through the divorce process for the second time in my life, in the early ’90s. It took 15 months to get there, but on the day of the divorce, I was very nervous about what might happen. I had been praying for my Angel to be with me. As I was walking the few blocks from the parking lot to the courthouse, my stomach was churning. I suddenly looked down and there was a white feather. I bent over to pick it up and as I took a few more steps ahead, there was another and then another. I started laughing as I turned the corner around a tall building, and there were several more feathers. Okay, Spirit! I got the message! The divorce was finalized and I could get on with my life. My children and I moved into our new home and we settled into a small condominium that I was able to purchase. As this new spiritual world was opening up for me, my hunger for knowledge continued. I didn’t really have an agenda when I went to the bookstore again, but a Spirit always seemed to lead me. I knew the Native Americans were very connected to Spirit and the Earth and I read several books on this subject. The twin girls and I sometimes attended Pow Wow’s when they were in the area and it was interesting that many of them seemed to look like my relatives. As I finished one of the Native American books I was reading, on the last page, the author expressed that “the traditions in the book were the way of the Red Man and that White Man needed to find their own way.” I had always felt a connection to the Native Americans, especially after reading the Book of Mormon and gaining a better understanding of their history on this side of the world. I knew we all are connected to the same, One God, but it started me thinking of what else would that be for me? I knew there was something more for me to explore. My family tradition came from various areas of Northern Europe, including the British Isles. As I thought about my Scottish Ancestry, in particular, I was drawn to Druidism and the Celtic culture in particular and decided to explore those teachings. They were connected to the Earth also, somewhat like the Native Americans, but in different ways. That’s when I began to study more about the Celtic tradition and their Connection to Spirit. One weekend my church was having a retreat at their campground. The theme was about Spiritual Journaling. I thought that subject sounded interesting and was excited to attend. What I learned was something that I have continued with to this day. In my Journaling, I start with a prayer of gratitude and then ask a question. My response sometimes begins with: “My precious daughter,” (or something along those lines,) and then I continue to write the words that come into my head. I learned that I could have my own conversation with God and get answers. Being a bit skeptical, I sometimes thought that I was just making up stuff, but sometimes I would get information that I didn’t know. Many years later, I read “Conversations With God, An Uncommon Dialog" by Neal Donald Walsh and found, that is exactly what he did as he wrote his books. He has since written several books, using that same process of journaling, when writing his books including Conversations With God, Book 2, Conversations With God, Book 3, and more. As part of my exploration, I attended a number of workshops when I was able. At the workshops I learned about hands-on healing using Reiki energy and also attended one on Spirituality. The Spirituality workshop was sponsored on by my church. The attendees were taught about mindfulness, meditation and developing our intuition. They spoke about the Body/Mind connection and spoke about Dr. Norman Sheely, MD, a Neuro-Surgeon and Carolyn Myss, a Medical Intuitive. Carolyn was able to use her intuitive (psychic) abilities to tune into a person and know what was the mental/emotional cause of a person’s disease. I found that to be very fascinating and had a sense that I needed to learn more about that. It wasn’t long after, I discovered an advertisement in the back of a magazine for the Intuition Workshop, taught by Dr. Norman Sheely and Carolyn Myss. Knowing the timing wasn’t right, I tucked the information away, but purchased the book that they had written together; The Creation of Health. I was into the first few chapters of that book when my oldest daughter, a new Senior in High School, became ill with a continuous cough. She also described a feeling that was like someone choking her and complained of night sweats. We went to the doctors and were told she was stressed and had bronchitis and sent us home with a prescription. A week went by and there was no improvement. We went back to the doctor's office, but this time we saw a different Doctor. He did a chest x-ray and I could see that her entire thoracic area was lit up. We were immediately sent to see a cardiologist and after another week of no improvement, went back to his office. While waiting for the doctor to come into the room she was assigned, she sat on a chair, next to the sink, to get a drink of water. She suddenly let out a loud shriek and slumped over the sink. Just then a nurse opened the door and she saw what was happening and summoned the doctor. As he rushed in, he told me to grab an arm and we lifted her onto the exam table. (To this day, I don’t quite know how that happened so smoothly and effortlessly, but I think we had help.) She immediately came to and he told us they were going to call an ambulance and she was going straight to the hospital. I followed behind in my car, wondering what is going on? She was admitted to the Cardiac ICU and before long, she had numerous IV’s and meds hanging from poles with tubes going everywhere. As the day progressed, her condition worsened and she was eventually put on a respirator to keep her breathing. There was a steady stream of doctors coming into her room to see what was going on. As they would walk out shaking their heads, I knew something was terribly wrong and it didn’t look good. As night time neared, they told me; “she had a 50/50 chance of making it through the night.” I didn’t know what to do but to pray and do Reiki. They told me it was okay as long as I sat at the end of the bed and could only have my hands on her feet. Fortunately, I had been reading The Creation of Health (which I had with me to read while waiting in the doctor’s office) and I knew there was something more going on, but what? That night, I remained at the hospital. I felt totally helpless and we had a snowstorm that evening, making the roads difficult to travel on. I called my friend from church and asked that she put out a call for a prayer chain and asked if she and her husband would come the next day to do Hands-on Healing for my daughter. The doctor called her father, in California, suggesting that he come on the first flight he could, to be there. They also contacted the Red Cross to get her brother off the ship that he was stationed on, while in the Navy, in the Atlantic Ocean. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much that night, but she did make it through the night. Praise God! In the morning, a doctor came into the waiting room, explaining they were going to run some tests and that the best-case scenario was that she has Hodgkin’s Disease because it was the most curable cancer. Most of my family that had passed away, died of Cancer. I had mixed emotions but knew this was an experience for my daughter's soul growth, and I was there to support her through that process. During the rest of her senior year, we had countless doctors visits, first with chemo, followed by radiation treatments. I was amazed by her resilience and with no hair, but a baseball cap on her head, her true beauty shone through her sparkling eyes and her big smile. I would pick her up after school and take her for her chemo treatments. On the way home, she would be starving and always wanted a burger, fries and a soft drink to tame her appetite. I was always amazed that she was never sick, as I had heard that it was common for cancer patients to have difficulty in keeping their food down. Spring was approaching and I had received a large sum of money after selling a retail business that I owned. It was perfect timing with my daughter’s illness. This gave me extra time and funds, so I contacted the office of Dr. Norman Sheely, to inquire about coming to their Science of Intuition course. The woman on the phone told me there was a 2-year waiting list. My response was Nooo! I had just sold my business and now had the time and the money to come. I inquired if I could ask some questions and we had a nice conversation. Before we hung up, she asked if I would be able to come on short notice? And that sometimes they had last-minute cancellations. I told her “yes” that I could do that. Not long after, I received a call back, on Good Friday. They had canceled a Level 2 class and were going to fill in with an additional Level 1 class. I accepted the offer. It was scheduled for right after the end of the school year. As the end of my daughter’s senior year and her graduation was approaching, she was officially declared “in remission” by her Doctor. No more cancer! At her graduation ceremony, I still remember a classmate who sang a solo dedicated to the parents, “Wind Beneath My Wings.” It brought tears to my eyes as I thought how close she was to not being able to be here for her graduation and the miracle that transpired to bring her to this point. There was a lot to celebrate that day! And, God is Good. The following week, I was heading to the Holos Institute for Intuition Training. It was an amazing experience and we found out that it was the last time the class was going to be held at Dr. Sheely’s residence, with only 28 students. He had a farm, out in the country, in southern Missouri. (After that, the seminars were held at hotels around the country, with a couple of hundred people.) I realized how blessed and fortunate I was to be a part of this special class that was put together on short notice. Part 3 – To Be Continued Next Month. |